ACCURATE.ZIP 85,801 08-29-92 Professional Investment Portfolio PerformanceCalculator. Computes both time and dollarweighted returns. Complies to 1992 AIMRguidelines. Easy to use.
AIM_300.ZIP 34,863 11-21-91 Automatic Investment Management System
AIQ1.ZIP 1110,265 09-10-91 AIQ Stock Data update part 1 of 2
AIQ2.ZIP 1122,498 09-10-91 AIQ stock data update part 2 of 2
ANALYST.ZIP 149,924 07-20-93 THE STOCK ANALYST v1.10 (ASP) \- A powerful,yet easy to use stock analysis program. -Buy/sell analysis of stocks - Line, Bar, P&FCharts. - Up to 1,500 stocks with 32,000prices each. - Entirely menu driven -
Context-sensitive help. - Full mouse support.
ANLYST3.ZIP 115,034 09-25-91 Analyst V3.0 Professional Real EstateAnalyzer For Investors & Brokers.
AT33_37.ZIP 12,673 04-25-92 Ken Deen's Aggressive Trader Newsletter, 33-37
AT38_41.ZIP 6,194 04-25-92 Ken Deen's Aggressive Trader Newsletter, 38-41
ATS10.ZIP 153,580 01-28-91 Great! Easy & New Asset/inv Mngnt For Home OrBusiness.
BOND9311.ZIP 102,687 12-19-93 EE BONDS TRACKER 93.11 Tracks your savingsbonds. It will track upto 1,000 EE Savingsbonds. Allows you to Input, Delete & Arrangea bond portfolio. Option to provide hard copy
Input new interest rates and update the int-erest rates as they change. By Bob FechtnerRegistration $10.00. Coming Soon Bonds Seller
BONDS.ZIP 102,312 11-26-93 EE BONDS TRACKER v93.11; Track up to 1,000,EE Savings bonds. This program will allow youto Input, Delete, and Arrange a bondportfolio. There is also an option to providea hard copy. Allows the user to input new
interest rates, or update the interest ratesas they change. The U.S. Government publishesthe interest rates in May and November. Formore information on updating interest rates,see UPDATE INTEREST RATES.
BONDS20.ZIP 195,832 02-21-93 Bonds v2.0 for Windows. Tracks U.S. Savings
BONDS_.ZIP 142,641 11-13-91 Bondcalc: Bond Yield & Value Calculator.Compares Up To 3 At Once.
BROMBERG.ZIP 17,188 04-12-93 Stocks report - Equity test of the BrombergIndex method for the last 4 years - tables.
CDNSTK.ZIP 29,469 06-13-93 Database of 900 Canadian stocks & tickersthat can be queried using wildcards.
CGZ40.ZIP 1575,848 11-27-94 Capital Gainz v4.0 <ASP> - Investmentportfolio manager. Ideal for dollar-costaveraging. Record purchases, sales,dividends, capital gains, splits. Multipleportfolios. Calculate performance and total
return. Print reports for one or moreportfolios/securities, over range of dates.Generate tax forms. Reinvest dividends.Execute sales using FIFO, LIFO, max gain, maxloss, specific ID, avg cost.
CHART113.ZIP 71,122 01-23-94 Chart1 v1.3: bare bones, easy-to-use stockand mutual fund charting program.
CHARTING.ZIP 52,859 05-01-92 Stock Charting Program
CM2QK121.ZIP 29,924 12-01-92 CIM2QKN v1.21: reformats stock quote listingsgotten from Compuserve in CIM format intoQuicken's import format.
CMQCK102.ZIP 12,835 01-17-93 CIMQUICK v1.02: small util that will converta CIM stock quotes file into a formatsuitable for Quicken to import.
CNVCIM10.ZIP 17,511 06-01-92 CNVCIM v1.0: special data conversion utilitythat can translate stock data capture fromCompuServe's Information Manager software to$tokTraX format
COINFI15.ZIP 136,756 01-17-93 Coinfil (Comparative Investment Analysis WithFiltered Data) V1.5: Menu Driven TechnicalAnalysis Program That Can Be Used To PredictThe Trend Of An Investment'S Total YieldBased On Past Price Data And Dividends.
CONSOLID.ZIP 65,079 01-30-90 Consolidator (version 1.1). Manage Stocks AndMutual Funds. Supports Ega Or Cga.
CRSTOCK1.ZIP 9,210 06-02-93 Program to translate CRS stock files to PTT.
CRVINFO.ZIP 279,123 09-13-94 Savings Bonds Current Redemption Values
CSCSTK35.ZIP 155,960 04-29-90 Stock Planning & Portfolio Mgmt Package V3.5One Of The Better Shareware Programs In ThisCategory.
CSU10.ZIP 99,763 02-20-93 Utilities that convert quotes that arefilecaptured using Compuserve's Basic Quotesfor direct import to Quicken or your favoritespreadsheet
CSUWIN10.ZIP 20,096 10-02-93 Signet's CompuServe Stock Utils v1.0s forWindows. Convert DOSCim or WINCim stockquotes to Quicken import format.
CT35M.ZIP 357,455 04-24-93 DEMO of CapTool version 3.5m Captool is aportfolio management which enables you totrack almost anything in your portfolio.Shareware from Techserve.
CU1A.ZIP 361,157 09-15-94 CHART-UTIL v1.a - Utility to maintain stockhistory files in MetaStock and/or MegaTechdata format. Very powerful! Includes CopyAll,TrimAll, CleanFile, DateCheck, and otherroutines needed to keep accurate files of
historical stock quotes. You will be amazedto see all the errors Chart-Util can find andhelp fix in your current files. This is theShareware evaluation version.
CVTQ10A.ZIP 45,021 02-08-93 CvtQuote v1.0A: simple but sophisticated pgmto convert securities quotes from fractionalform to decimal form; includes DOS andMSWindows versions.
DIVPLAN.ZIP 1,980 12-02-94 A brief text file listing three sources ofinfo on corporate dividend reinvestmentplans. Buy stock without a broker! FREEWARE.
DJ033194.ZIP 278,365 04-01-94 > Dow High Yield Magazine < Consistentlyoutperform the market with low risk. Charts,current portfolio, fundamentals on select Dow30 stocks, currencies, oil, interest rates,gold.
DJ093093.ZIP 233,942 10-01-93 > Dow High Yield Magazine < How toconsistently out perform the market with lowrisk. Charts, current portfolio, fundamentalson select Dow 30 stocks, currencies, oil,interest rates, gold.
DRIPL.ZIP 9,217 02-24-93 Discussion of Divident Reinvestment Plans
EBOND3.ZIP 50,260 04-26-91 Calculates series E Savings Bond interest andprints reports to screen or printer - more.
ECON10.ZIP 69,701 01-11-92 Econometric stock market forecasting modelsfrom DC Econometrics. Forecast S+P 500,Treasury interest rates and inflation. Once amonth you enter 8 numbers and get statis-tically optimized forecasts for 3, 6 and 12
months. Asset allocation routine tells youhow much to place in aggressive and conser-vative strategies. Program predicted allmajor bull and bear markets from 1963 to 1991<ASP>.
ECON2A.ZIP 463,425 03-15-95 ECON 2.0: Stock Market ForecastingEconometric models of S&P 500, T Bond and TBill interest rates, inflation, and gold.Enter 9 numbers monthly to get statisticallyoptimized forecasts for 3, 6, and 12 months
ahead. Asset Allocation lists four optimalportfolios low to high risk; plus futures andoptions. 39% per year is possible. Menus,help, & graphs. DOS 3.3 up, 640K memory, harddisk needed. $49.95 shareware for IBM-PC
EEBND6.ZIP 47,727 11-11-91 Calculate & Track EE Savings Bonds
EEBND811.ZIP 178,941 11-28-92 EEbond v8.11: computes interest on variablerate Series EE Savings Bonds; prints outsavings bond report sorted on date of bond;supports multiple database files & laserprinters.
EEBND9.ZIP 201,417 04-30-93 Database To Track Series EE Savings Bonds;Prints Reports Etc., Based On Current Rate.Eight Files.
EEBNDD11.ZIP 254,769 03-26-94 EEBond v11.0. Computes interest on variablerate Series EE Savings Bonds; prints outsavings bond report sorted on date of bond;supports multiple database.
EEBNDW4.ZIP 1439,491 06-21-95 EEBond for Windows v.4 - EEBond for Windowsis a U.S. Savings Bond database and valuationprogram. EEBond maintains a database anddetermines the value of Series E and SeriesEE Savings Bonds and U.S. Savings Notes.
Covers years 1942 to present. This versionvalid through October 1995! Not crippled. Noannoying screens. Full installation. OnlineWYSIWYG reports sort 7 different ways. AllDLL's included. SHAREWARE $20.
EEBOND13.ZIP 554,013 03-16-95 EEBond for DOS v13 - If you own Savings Bondsand would like to know exactly what they areworth then this program is for you. EEBondmaintains a database and determines the valueof Series EE and E Savings Bonds and US
Savings Notes. You can value all SavingsBonds 1942 to present. Shareware $20.
EEBOND5.ZIP 46,926 04-26-91 Maintains Database Of Variable Rate SeriessEe Savings Bonds. This Update Contains TheLatest Tables From The Bureau Of Public Debt.
EEBOND70.ZIP 49,717 05-07-92 Calculate value of EE Series Savings Bonds.Version 7.0
EEBOND81.ZIP 178,941 11-28-92 Savings Bond Database Software.
EEBONDV5.ZIP 46,561 04-26-91 Calculates Interest on EE Bonds And PrintsReports
EECOLLXL.ZIP 30,022 11-06-94 Calculate value of ee bonds excel spreadsheet.
EFUND24.ZIP 190,207 06-18-93 Accounting for Investors In Bonds, Stocks andMutual Funds.
ENSIGN.ZIP 683,397 12-30-92 Ensign V LIVE DEMO - stock market analysisprogram for the serious investor
EOM100.ZIP 95,394 06-30-91 Investment Research Tool To Explore End OfMonth Bias In The Stock Market.
EZSTOCK3.ZIP 205,452 03-26-94 V2.0 - Easy Tracking and Analyzing of Stocks,Bonds, Mutual Funds, Coins, BaseballCards,... Works With Any Investment orCollectable. Mouse, Help, Graphs, Printing.
FA_12B.ZIP 1268,844 04-19-95 FINANCIAL AUTHORITY is a financial analysisprogram containing seven modules for the home& business user: Loan Amortization, ImmediateAnnuities, Periodic & Fixed InvestmentGrowth, U.S. EE Savings Bonds, Mutual Fund
probability and mortality; mortgagerefinancing; zero coupons; negativeamortization; retirement funds....
FIN499.ZIP 86,225 11-10-90 Calculate The Value Of Stocks & Bonds
FINPAR.ZIP 195,783 01-19-95 Your Financial Partner - >>lets you calculatevarious dollar investment problems, such asthe amount of deposits required at a giveninterest rate to attain an amount that will
provide you with a given level of withdrawalsfor a specified period of time.
FINWIZ5.ZIP 138,780 07-02-93 FINANCIAL WIZARD (TM), <ASP> - A verypowerful, easy to use investment and loananalysis program that calculates dozens ofpersonal and business financial situationswith ease. Amortization, future and present
values, depreciation,and date calculationsare just a fraction of the options theprogram can calculate. Full mouse and colorsupport along with exceptional documentationmake this a first rate program. $25.
FLUSHER.ZIP 8,007 05-27-95 Kills all Commodities Except Those Typed inEnvarc: Flusher.Dat
FMUTUAL.ZIP 243,150 04-03-93 The Feeling's Mutual v2.0.92. Mutual fund
FNDMGR.ZIP 283,456 03-24-95 FundManager (v 6.0) - portfolio mgr formutual funds. Performs statistical analysisand several market timing techniques
FNDMGR6B.ZIP 284,815 04-07-95 Mutual Fund Manager for Quattropro Windows
FNDSMBLS.ZIP 40,325 11-01-93 Mutual fund names/symbols.
FNDSYM.ZIP 59,137 11-27-93 List of 3335 US mutual funds that can besearched using a wildcard. Can be run as aTSR or printed.
FPD320.ZIP 173,388 04-06-93 Your Financial Partner v3.2CPP: performscalculations for all common time value ofmoney problems including present/future valueof an investment, withdrawal frominvestments, loan payment schedules/
amortization/refinancing/ acceleration topayoff, annuities, bond yield tomaturity/call/valuation and more; supportsmouse
FSL1294.ZIP 83,586 11-30-94 Start Your Own Investment Portfolio 28.8% aYear Record!!! Free Demo Newsletter!!! You donot need a lot of money before you caninvest, what you DO need is the BEST inprofessional advice! The problem is finding
it and not spending thousands for it. TheFINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP NEWSLETTER (FSL), theNation's best Financial Newsletter can changeall that! Start your portfolio for as little
FTRK2QWK.ZIP 25,712 03-12-94 Convert the latest FastTrack mutual fundprice quotes to Quicken import format. Easyand quick.
FUND22.ZIP 379,790 11-19-94 Fund Investor (v 2.2) - highly versatileportfolio manager incl d/l quotes from CIS,plotting of hisorical data, communicationwith Fidelity & Vanguard, calc. manyfinancial functions, reminds of bonds due
payments and much more
FUND941.ZIP 115,937 03-09-94 MUTUAL FUNDamentals version 94.1 The ultimatemutual fund directory/tutorial! Containsinformation on over 1,000 funds! Names,addresses, toll-free phone numbers, andhistorical return data covering one, three,
five, and eight year periods. Chaptersinclude: Introduction To Mutual Funds,Glossary Of Terms, Advantages Of MutualFunds, Selecting A Mutual Fund, and more.Will run on any IBM or compatible.
FUNDINV.ZIP 201,784 04-20-93 FundInvestor v4.3. Automates access to mutualfunds using automated service telephones.
FUNDMGR.ZIP 117,023 05-29-92 The Mutual Fund and Stock Manager - does allstocks, bods, mutual funds. Great Tracker forinvestments.
FUNDMN72.ZIP 310,999 03-04-95 FundManager v7.2: Portfolio trackingsoftware, especially for mutual funds. Canimport Quicken transaction and price data
FUNDS12.ZIP 152,248 02-15-95 MUTUAL FUND TRACKING SYSTEM . . . Ver 1.2This system allows you to build a data filecontaining all of the info on your funds. Youcan enter original purchases, additionalpurchases, complete sells, partial sells, and
reinvested dividends. The system prints areport showing the From Inception and YTDprofit and loss for each fund, along with theIRS cost basis for each fund. There are 15options to make this a "turnkey" system.
FUNDS94.ZIP 3,798 12-31-93 Fund picks for 1994 from the Internet'smisc.invst conference
FUNDSRCH.ZIP 164,169 06-01-93 FundSearch - Graphically analyze over 2500funds. Shareware version has 600 funds. Addyour own notes to each fund for futurereference.
FW550.ZIP 139,209 09-17-93 FINANCIAL WIZARD (TM), <ASP> V5.5, - A verypowerful, easy to use investment and loananalysis program that calculates dozens ofpersonal and business financial situationswith ease. Amortization, future and present
values, depreciation,and date calculationsare just a fraction of the options theprogram can calculate. Full mouse and colorsupport along with exceptional documentationmake this a first rate program. $25.
HAPPY814.ZIP 3,202 08-05-93 Solid Value #814 - investment newsletter fromInternet.
HISTQUOT.ZIP 30,400 10-19-91 User discussion of costs and quality of stockquote services (Dow, GEnie, Prodigy, FNN,others.
ICALC.ZIP 33,242 01-13-94 InterestCalc v2.1 for Windows. Performsvarious financial analyses, including loanpayment and affordability, compound growth,yields, stock p/e ratios and more.
IMPEE.ZIP 182,688 11-26-92 Conversion routines to import data from Ebondversions 1-5 and EEbond versions 1-7 toversion 8.x of EEbond.
IMPGOV.ZIP 102,058 04-10-93 Optional file for EEbond, the savings bonddatabase program, that allows you to importthe Tables of Redemption values from the govtinto EEbond, therefore saving you having toupgrade every 6 months
INCENTER.ZIP 41,069 10-31-94 Investment Strategies collection of textsoriented toward long term investments
INDICATE.ZIP 108,268 01-29-94 STOCK MARKET TREND INDICATOR V1.0 Evaluatesmarket trend, interest rate trend, moneysupply, and sentiment to estimate risk andpropose a percent invested position for aconservative investor. Nothing guaranteed!
INVEST43.ZIP 201,674 04-20-93 FundInvestor (ver. 4.3) a powerful accountingprogram for investors. It facilitatestelephone comm. with many mutual funds,retains record of all transact., calc actualreturn on investment, plots historical data,
d/l quotes from CompuServe/Prodigy, and more
INVESTBA.ZIP 107,387 10-15-94 INVESTING BASICS, by Adam Starchild: Today'slow interest rates are hitting folks hard.Many people tolerate dismal yields, hopingthat rates will recover soon, but theyshouldn't hold their breath. Since 1926,
Treasury bill rates have averaged 3.7 percentannually. Confronted with this reality,people must find ways to make their moneywork harder. Learn how in this electronicbook.
INVESTOR.ZIP 287,318 02-17-95 $mart Real Estate Investor - provides youwith fast and accurate evaluations ofvirtually any kind of rental - incomeproducing real estate.
INVSTFQ2.ZIP 18,579 03-29-93 Misc.Invest Faq On General Investment Topics
INVSTFQ3.ZIP 19,623 03-29-93 Misc.Invest Faq On General Investment Topics
LWMD331.ZIP 204,165 07-01-95 _____ LIFETIME WEALTH MANAGEMENT v3.31 _____A comprehensive personal financial program.Provides calculations, projections, graphsfor Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net WorthMortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds.
Portfolio management system records, tracksand graphs your investment performance.Everyone can use this program covering allstages of your financial life. Excellent On-Line Help. For DOS. Rated:
LWMMONEY.ZIP 198,681 01-02-94 Personal Saving, Investment, Retirement,Networth, Mortgages, Graphs and Database.
LWMVB.ZIP 183,421 12-16-92 Personal Investment in VBDos with all ScrollBars Control Buttons etc. Fantastic.
MFTC15A.ZIP 633,010 05-15-95 MFTC: Mutual Fund Tax Calculator, v1.5a -RCCO Research. For Windows 3.1+. MFTCprovides a facility for determining the taxcost of redeemed shares (full or partial) inone or more mutual fund accounts. For IRS
Form 1040 Schedule D filers. Computes divs,CG distribs, sales, purchases on an average-cost basis. New in v1.5: Report Writer.
MFTRA36D.ZIP 426,739 04-01-95 The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.6d, worksusing technical analysis and a Mutual FundComposite Average, in conjunction with otherkey indices, to determine when to get intoand out of mutual funds. You can define and
look at different "what if" results based onyour criteria. Features easy to understanddocumentation; graphs; reports; select TRENDor BUY, SELL, and HOLD signals; writes graphpictures to disk; auto-update; plus more.
MGRMONEY.ZIP 190,371 03-02-93 All Financial Tools with a Course onInvesting for maxium Profit. DOS.
MKTREND1.ZIP 479,107 03-20-94 Value Trend Indicator 1.0. The SuccessfulInvestors guide to determine the Value ofshares and spot growth Stocks and MutualFunds. Also tracks all popular Stock MarketIndices. For Windows.
MLRSAV30.ZIP 142,932 04-20-94 MY LITTLE REALM'S SAVINGS v/3.0 <ASP> - Trackinvestment savings. Enter the worth of eachinvestment, as well as pertinent informationlike the location of each of the documents,so you won't forget where you put your
Savings Bonds, Passbook, etc. This financialrecorder also prints your portfolio. Veryuseful if you're refinancing. Runs from afloppy or a hard disk. Requires IBMcompatible; 640K RAM. $20 + $5 (s/h)
MM431.ZIP 298,745 06-08-91 MarketMaster, Stock Market Forecaster!Crucial Analysis Database for Major StockIndices - S&P 500, Dow Jones, Etc.
MMNEWS95.ZIP 31,141 01-04-95 THE MONEY MAKER NEWS Issue 1, January 1995.This issue evaluates the latest FinancialShareware used for forecasting future StockMarket Trends, Company and Mutual Fund SharePrices. For Win 3.x
MOMATH2.ZIP 91,607 12-20-94 MONEY MATH for Windows 3.1, v1.2 <ASP>Financial analysis tools for Annuities, BankDiscount, Bonds, CD's, Compound Interest,Discounted Cash Flow, Loan Amortization, andSimple Interest. Uses 10 dialog boxes for 37
different types of financial calculations.Has extensive Windows Help with 12 detailedexamples.
MOMONY04.ZIP 197,223 11-02-93 A Complete Electronic text & GraphicsMAGAZINE dedicated to teaching the reader howto save money and invest it in Paying off theMortgage. Concepts used are new to mostpeople. Included is a Primer on becoming
totally FINANCIALLY FREE! This program cansave the average reader 10 - 20 years payingfor a home.
MONEYMGC.ZIP 665,617 01-07-95 MONEY MAGIC! V1.0 <ASP> - Financial planningassistant with 17 calculators and 47 solutinoptions. Does wage and salary computations;college, retirement and investment plans;stock, bond and real estate valuations; loan
schedules; space and capital leases; datedurations; and more. Includes general purposefinancial calculators. Mouse support DOS GUIor text mode.
MONEYMK1.ZIP 9,809 06-01-94 The Money Maker News Issue 1, June 94. Thisissue evaluates the latest FinancialShareware dealing with Analysis of Stock,Mutual Fund and Market Indices such as theDow Jones Industrial Average and the
relationship of ratios and averages to StockPrices and Market Index movements. For Win 3.X
MONEYMK2.ZIP 9,299 06-01-94 The Money Maker News Issue 2, June 94. Thisissue evaluates the latest FinancialShareware dealing with Saving, Investing,Retirement, Net Worth, Mortgages, Loans,Stocks, Mutual Funds and Portfolio Management
Databases. For Win 3.X
MONYMORE.ZIP 266,891 10-02-93 Lifetime Wealth Management for Windows. Allthe programs for your saving, investment,retirement, networth and mortgage needs.Requires VBRUN100.DLL.
MOREMONY.ZIP 196,338 10-02-93 All the Programs for your Saving, Investment,Retirement, NetWorth and Mortgage needs. (forDOS).
MRKTES1.ZIP 603,264 07-17-93 Marketedge V1.0s for the Beginning StockMarket Investor.
MRKTMSTR.ZIP 268,166 01-06-94 Market Master - generates precise andreliable price forecasts for all stocks,futures, and indices in the world, including7,800 U. S. stocks. Requires 512K RAM and950K hard disk space.
MRKTSRCH.ZIP 229,178 06-09-93 MarketSearch v3.2. Stock market analysisprogram. Contains all of the Fortune 500Stocks listed on the New York Exchange.
MS2Q11.ZIP 24,173 06-14-93 MS2Q - program that will build a Quickenformat security price file using MetaStockData. The Quicken format file can then beimported into Quicken to update securityprices.
MSD1892A.ZIP 508,204 08-15-92 MetaStock Data Disk (1 of 4)
MSD1892B.ZIP 507,756 08-15-92 MetaStock Data Disk (2 of 4)
MSD1892C.ZIP 471,083 08-15-92 MetaStock Data Disk (3 of 4)
MSD1892D.ZIP 106,309 08-15-92 MetaStock Data Disk (4 of 4)
MSMITH.ZIP 325,262 09-20-93 Money Smith 3.0a. A full featured doubleentry accounting system, financialcalculator, and investment tracking systemfor Windows 3.X. Lets you keep track of yourfinances in one place, and provides excellent
graphing and reporting features.
MTCMP1.ZIP 36,862 08-23-92 This is a utility for read metastock andcomputrac data files. Read record number,file name, starting/ending date, fields, andtickers.
MTMCLONE.ZIP 24,402 05-04-92 Import stock quotes into Managing Your Money.Replaces managing the market in conjunctionwith PRO$TOCK or other stock quote systembeta release.
MUFUND12.ZIP 150,653 01-16-95 MUTUAL FUND TRACKING SYSTEM . . . Ver 1.2This system allows you to build a data filecontaing all of the info on your funds. Youcan enter original purchases, additionalpurchases, complete sells, partial sells, and
reinvested dividends. The system prints areport showing the From Inception and YTDprofit and loss for each fund, along with theIRS cost basis for each fund. There are 15options to make this a "turnkey" system.
MUNI213.ZIP 6,645 02-18-95 Municipal Investors Monthly
MUT0304.ZIP 68,897 03-07-94 Names & tickers of 4600+ US mutual and moneymarket funds in a database that you canquery. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar4/94.
MUTUAL.ZIP 158,089 05-26-90 Mutual Fund Scorecard, Pick & Rank Investment
MUTUAL20.ZIP 95,851 04-09-91 Mutual Fund Manager 2.0: Fast, Easy-To-useProgram For Managing A Mutual Fund/MoneyMarket Portfolio.
MU_FUND.ZIP 18,053 08-14-91 123 Mutual Fund Monitoring By Doug Davis.
MV210.ZIP 457,216 02-05-95 Market View v2.10 investment software. Fullygraphical, mousecontrolled and windowedinvestment program with direct support forKeyword Teletext cards. ChartPro, &BEURS andComma Separated ASCII text im/export. - 3D
user interface. - Help viewer window (viewsMV.DOC online).
MYQ110.ZIP 202,772 12-19-92 Managing Your Money Import stock Quotes MYMIQis designed to be used by MYM and MYMIC userswho want to update the prices in theirinvestment accounts (stock, bond, and mutualfund), using Prodigy services.
MYWAY2.ZIP 151,817 06-06-90 A Good Example Of A Specialized InvestmentProgram. Neither Purely Fundamental, NorTechnical, Myway Combines Elements Of BothTechniques To Tell Investors When To Buy AndSell Stocks. Myway Conveniently Allows You To
Put Together Portfolios With Different RiskCombinations. Runs On Any Pc With Dos 2.00 OrHigher.
NQ033194.ZIP 137,553 03-31-94 Names & tickers of 10,000+ NASDAQ and pinksheet stocks in a database that you canquery. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar31/94.
NY1125.ZIP 56,341 11-26-94 Short term trading indicators for the NYstock exchange
NY1126.ZIP 59,498 11-27-93 NYSE Advance/Decline Line NYSE New Highs &Lows NYSE 4-day STIX indicator NYSE 7-daySTIX indicator
NYSE0304.ZIP 70,871 03-07-94 Names & tickers of 4300+ stocks on the NYSEand Amex exchanges in a database that you canquery. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar4/94.
OPPL30.ZIP 210,900 01-11-95 OWL Portfolio Price Loader 3.0. Automaticallyupdates OWL Personal Portfolio Manager (OPPM)prices with downloaded quotes fromCompuserve, AOL, Prodigy, Dow Jones, GEnie,Internet, FarPoint BBS and Just Data
(Australian Stock Market Data). Version 3lets user's define their own formats toimport any delimited or tabular data fromother sources. Requires: OPPM Version 4 orabove.
OPPM60.ZIP 349,592 11-08-94 OPPM 6.0 - Comprehensive Stock Charting andPortfolio Mgmt. system for stocks, mutuals,bonds, savings, other assets & liabilities.Charts price volume, correlation, relativestrength, RSI, RVI, stochastics, on-balance
volume, moving averages, net worth & more.Reports gains /losses, interest, dividends,ROI, etc. Supports all IRS approvedaccounting methods. Intuitive mousable menus& on-line help. Very easy to use.
OPPMIG10.ZIP 104,523 06-18-92 Enables Owl Personal Portfolio Manager pricesto be automatically updated with GEnie.
OPTIONS.ZIP 7,274 02-23-93 Discussions of Options Investing from theInternet.
OTC0304.ZIP 137,446 03-07-94 Names & tickers of 10,000+ NASDAQ and pinksheet stocks in a database that you canquery. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Mar4/94.
PANAL30.ZIP 284,564 05-02-91 Portfolio Analyst Ver. 3.0Stock/bond/fund/tbill History Tracking AndAnalysis Program. Analyze Returns On Your InvInvestment. Graph Histories And PrintReports. Works With Prodigy For Price
Updates. Excellent! A Must For The SeriousInvestor.
PCC15.ZIP 380,479 07-31-94 PC Chart v1.5 <ASP> - A stock and commoditycharting program, which combines superiorcharting, database, and telecommunicationscapabilities. Generates commodity and stockcharts and standard technical indicators such
as moving averages and RSI. The built-intelecommunications capabilities can be usedto download quotes from All- Quotes,CompuServe, Dial/Data, and GEnie.
PCMONE.ZIP 121,615 08-27-90 Pcmoney2, A Home Financial Program ThatTracks Loans, Annuity, Fixed Investments,Periodic Investments, Bonds, Mutual Funds.
PDEPRIC6.ZIP 290,707 01-01-95 ProDev*EPRICE V6.0 <ASP> Price Serviceinterface program to transfer Trade Serviceprice data to ProDev*QUOTE Material datafiles. Compatible with Trade Service files inUSA, U.K. and Australia. $35 registration.
PDL322.ZIP 100,492 06-01-93 Download stocks from Prodigy.
PER_PORT.ZIP 269,507 03-13-92 OWL Personal Portfolio Manager.
PFMGR38.ZIP 354,355 08-01-92 Portfolio Manager v3.8 with return oninvestment.
PFROI39.ZIP 360,083 03-17-94 PFROI V3.8 - PortFolio manager with ROIHandles stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options,real estate, reinvestments, splits, shorts,margin, etc. Computes ROI before and aftertaxes. FIFO, LIFO, Avg, and specific tax lot
methods. Transaction, position, dividend,interest, capital gains, ROI, cash flowreports plus Graphics. Downloads quotes fromCIS, DJ, GEnie; imports from Prodigy. Helpscreens & 120 pg on-disk manual.
PFROI45D.ZIP 271,134 09-15-92 Pfroi Portfolio Software Version5 CompletePortfolio Management, Over 20 ReportsBefore/After-Tax Roi Computation Mutual FundRe-Investment And Frac. Shares SupportsDownloading From Dow Jones, Compuserve AndProdigy.
PFROISW.ZIP 365,289 07-28-92 Super portfolio manager. Handles all investme
PMGR43_A.ZIP 289,616 03-01-93 PORTFOLIO MANAGER, V4.3, <ASP>, Rel ULTIMATEinvestment record keeping system!! Disk one(1) of three (3) disks ........... Designedto track investments, compute ROI & yields,analyze portfolios, and use as a tax
planning/preparation tool. Sub-divide yourportfolio in up to 5 accts to track IRA's,spousal IRA, special accounts, etc. Flexiblereport capability. Menu driven and Mousesupport. Context sensitive help screens.
PMGR43_B.ZIP 270,105 03-01-93 PORTFOLIO MANAGER, V4.3, <ASP>, Relinvestment record keeping system!! Disk two(2) of three (3) disks ........... Designedto track investments, compute ROI & yields,analyze portfolios, and use as a tax
planning/preparation tool. Sub-divide yourportfolio in up to 5 accts to track IRA's,spousal IRA, special accounts, etc. Flexiblereport capability. Menu driven and Mousesupport. Context sensitive help screens.
PMGR43_C.ZIP 291,685 03-01-93 PORTFOLIO MANAGER, V4.3, <ASP>, Relinvestment record keeping system!! Disk three(3) of three (3) disks ......... Designed totrack investments, compute ROI & yields,analyze portfolios, and use as a tax
planning/preparation tool. Sub-divide yourportfolio in up to 5 accts to track IRA's,spousal IRA, special accounts, etc. Flexiblereport capability. Menu driven and Mousesupport. Context sensitive help screens.
PML503.ZIP 125,215 04-09-92 Prodigy Metastock Loader Version 5.03
PMP14P.ZIP 310,684 09-06-92 Portfoilio Manager & Quotes Conversion Utilv1.4P: converts quotes that are file savedusing Prodigy's Quote Track and Quote Checkfor direct import to Quicken or your favoritespreadsheet; also keeps track of portfolio
totals and several key performance measures;Software.
POLSTOCK.ZIP 60,697 04-05-94 Complete data from Polish Stock Exchange inmetastock format. Curiosity.
PRAGJ93.ZIP 8,980 01-10-93 Pragati investment newsletter for Jan. 1993.
PROS12.ZIP 165,969 11-13-90 Pro$tock V1.2: Complete Software Package ThatEnables You To Download Stock Quotes FromProdigy
PRS202.ZIP 187,852 07-04-93 Pro$tock V2.02. Helps Download Stock QuotesThe Easiest way to download Stock Quotes andCompany news from Prodigy Services. OfflineStock Symbols list editor. Offline quotes andnews viewer. Many conversions supported.
PRTY15D1.ZIP 387,776 11-22-93 PARITY v1.5 - A sophisticated stock chartingand T/A program for Windows 3.x. Over 50indicators, multiple charts and panes, userdefined formulas, candlestick, point & figureand Equivolume charts. Unique, powerful user
interface. MetaStock, ChartPro, TC2000 andcomma delimited ASCII data file compatible.Imports & exports to Excel, Lotus, and textfiles. Must have PRTY15D2.ZIP also. Requires2 MB DRAM, Mouse, and VGA. File 1 of 2.
PRTY15D2.ZIP 393,070 11-22-93 PARITY v1.5 - A sophisticated stock chartingand technical analysis program for Windows3.x. Parity is fully functional shareware.This is File 2 of 2. Must also havePRTY15D1.ZIP to install Parity.
PST101DM.ZIP 192,676 06-11-93 Personal Stock Technician V1 01dm Stock Marke
PTT200.ZIP 323,742 08-14-93 Personal Ticker Tape (PTT) 2.00 downloadsdaily stock quotes from the cheap areasofCompuserve (sic Quotes), GEnie (ClosinQuotes) and Dow Jones News//CQ and //HQ PTTupdates and has file maintenance facilities
for Metastock and Chartpro format data files,and many other handy features.
P_MGR53.ZIP 968,985 06-01-95 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO MANAGER Ver 5.3 <ASP>Portfolio Manager tracks market investments,CD's, Savings, limited partnerships, etc.Maintains 1 to 5 accts in your portfolio toseparate IRA's, etc. PM measures performance
to meet long range goals. Computes ROI, estand actual yields, and other analytical data.It's an excellent tax preparation & planningtool. 23 distinct reports. Mouse support.Manual on disk. Context sensitive help scrns.
QFAST20.ZIP 68,559 03-18-90 Qfast 2.0 - Loan & Investment Calc & AmortizeQuamet's Financial Advisor Presents A VarietyOf Financial Calculations For IndividualAccounts, Or Multiple Accounts In Tandem. The
Presentation Is Windowed And Online Help IsProvided. Shareware.
QOTIN47.ZIP 94,829 08-31-91 Q O T I N v4.7 ("The Quote Conditioner")facilitates the handling and processing ofhistorical stock price quotes obtained fromCompuServe. Quotes can be downloaded,converted into selected spreadsheet formats
and then archived for subsequent use by this,or other programs.
RCFND13B.ZIP 163,501 05-15-92 RCFUNDS v1.30B: free standing database whichallows you to track mutual fund transactions.
RCFUND13.ZIP 163,430 03-20-92 Rcfunds V1.30 For Investors Track MutualFunds Stand Alone Database.
REALEZ30.ZIP 174,637 08-24-92 Real-Easy Property Analysis v3.0 is a thirdgeneration product of the extremely volatileTexas investment real estate market. Everyfacet of the real estate investment is in-cluded in a comprehensive 20 year analysis
for either single or multiple unitproperties. <ASP>.
RETIRE10.ZIP 169,230 02-15-95 RETIREMENT MODELING SYSTEM . . . Ver 1.0Computes the future value of current assetsfor up to 40 years into the future and printsa report by year, showing those future valuesyour new invested amounts, withdrawals, how
much your net worth grew, 1099 taxes due,your budget, and the cost of living percentagYou can add, delete, and modify records inmultiple files. There are 15 options to makethis a "turnkey" system.
RETIREZ.ZIP 11,488 10-19-91 Mutual fund and inflation forecaster forretirement.
RSA.ZIP 227,069 02-12-93 The Relational Stock Analysis - Full-featuredShareware Program for small and professionalinvestors. Includes mouse support. Reqs 640kand stock data retrieval from standard source
RSA2.ZIP 542,567 05-10-93 Very Powerful Stock Analysis Tool For TheSerious and Casual Stock Investor
RSA2W.ZIP 176,662 03-13-95 Relational Stock Anaylsis for Windows v2.0.
RSA303H.ZIP 228,230 07-06-92 The Relational Stock Analysis kit.
SA350.ZIP 127,861 02-01-93 Security Analyst v3.50. Fundamental Stock
SASBIS.ZIP 318,038 10-08-94 Sasbis stock analysis screening by industrysector. Contains 1065 stocks, prices currentclose 10/07/94 distributed over 165 industrysectors. Shows many fundalmentals per groupand per stock.
SAVNGS10.ZIP 47,775 03-11-93 Investment Withdrawal v1.0: shows the effectof inflation & taxes on systematicwithdrawals from an investment fund
SCUTIL11.ZIP 122,292 01-05-95 SECURITY CONVERSION UTILITY 1.1 <ASP> Convertstock data from popular file formats such asProdigy, CompuServe, America Online, andQuicken. Special support is provided for the
Security Information File used by Wall StreetSimulator. This utility makes updating ofmarket prices easy. Registration is $5.Shareware by Larax Software. Registrationbrings a $5 credit towards the registrationof any other Larax Software package.
SECURITY.ZIP 174,841 03-25-92 Security Analyst. Fundamental analysis of
SIM201.ZIP 83,049 10-18-92 Simplified Investment Manager v2.01 SShareware from CanalRun, Inc - maintains adatabase for the invester's portfolio.
SMB_ALL.ZIP 81,093 07-29-90 Company Names And Stock Ticker Symbols For3800 Companies On The Nyse, Otc And AmexExchanges. In .wk1 Format For Quattro & 123.
SMD375.ZIP 593,445 12-01-93 Investor Alliance Stock Database. DEMO versio
SMDDEMO.ZIP 584,300 04-22-93 Pc stock market databank demo from investorsalliance.
SP41.ZIP 166,198 01-13-95 Stock Partner - is a stock trade calculatorand portfolio manager. You can estimate yourbroker's commissions, track dividends, plotstock prices, print reports and more.
SP500.ZIP 12,276 10-14-93 Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows file with the valuesof the S&P 500 stock index from 1947-1993.
SPRM41.ZIP 145,412 08-28-94 Stock Portfolio Record Manager: Version 4.1Maintains records for stock & bond investors.Tracks purchases, sales, splits, dividends,fractional shares, dividend reinvestments,
capital gains, and hypothetical transactions.Prints powerful reports to file, dot matrix,and laser printer. Version 4.1 is a minorrelease. August 1994. Shareware.
SSST.ZIP 131,815 08-07-92 Simple Simon Stock Trader v1.0: tracks stockmarket. Instructions are included within the.exe file.
STAB110A.ZIP 131,517 04-30-92 Stock Market Analysis graph. Windows 3.1
STAS100.ZIP 177,484 10-22-91 Stock Traders Accounting System - to Record &Report Buys, Sales & Position. Hypertext HelpSystem Included.
STCKT700.ZIP 367,020 03-06-93 Personal Stock Analysis And Graphing Program
STCKWZ21.ZIP 333,001 06-19-94 StockWiz, version 2.10. An electronic andinteractive version of the stock tables foundin all business newspapers; however itutilizes the power of the computer to store along history of daily quotes, applying
mathematics to discover opportunities in themarket.
STHILO20.ZIP 138,842 06-04-92 Stock Hi-Lo version 2.0 stock forcasting
STK0193.ZIP 93,577 01-17-93 Data For Several Stocks In Ascii All With AtLeast 1 Yr Ending 1-15, Some With 5 Years!
STKBUY.ZIP 62,847 07-10-94 Winning methodology and discipline for buyingstocks profitability. Includes a check listwhich can be scored to help decide whether astock is a good buy.
STKEXGSH.ZIP 30,949 09-03-90 A Simulated Stock Exchange-buy/sell, Borrow &Pay Off Debt-very Easy To Learn Functions OfThe Real Stock Exchange "safely"!
STKPRICE.ZIP 91,950 08-24-94 STKPRICE VERSION 20 <ASP> PersonalizedManagement of Investment- Based on usersupplied price data,Stkprice provides asummary of the price variation in table form,in color coded graphical plots and a dated
listing and summary for all individualtransactions for each investment.
STOCK142.ZIP 17,471 10-01-93 Stock v1.42. Move stock prices saved fromyour America Online stock portfolio into adatabase, spreadsheet, or financial programfor analysis or charting.
STOCK200.ZIP 204,008 01-01-94 THE STOCK ANALYST v2.00 (ASP) \- A powerful,yet easy to use stock analysis program.Buy/sell analysis of stocks; Line, Bar, P&F CEntirely menu driven; Import prices from stan
comma-delimited ASCII, and CompuServe Stock QFull stock history with price export functionContext-sensitive help; Full mouse support.
STOCK32F.ZIP 229,393 08-29-92 Marketsearch V3.2f - Analytical Tool For TheThoughtful Investor, Can Significantly ReduceFinancial Risk While Assisting You to BuildConfidence in Your Investment Decisions. This
Program Can Turn The PC Into A Powerful StockAnalysis Tool!.
STOCKANA.ZIP 145,401 06-20-93 Stock Analyst v1.0. Stock analysis programfeaturing buy/sell analysis of stocks, line,bar, p&f charts, room for up to 1,500 stockswith 32,000 prices each and more.
STOCKMN6.ZIP 45,894 04-12-95 The StockManager for Windows. Multi-purposeportfolio management und statistics utilityfor private share-holders and investors.
STOCKSYM.ZIP 97,184 06-12-93 List of Stock Market Ticker Symbols, CompanyNames and Markets as of June `93.
STOCKTD.ZIP 291,967 12-28-91 Uses Newspaper Data To Track Stock Groups
STOKDAT.ZIP 593,001 01-24-93 Stock Market Data Bank Demo. Fully FunctionalWith Limited Data.
STSIM.ZIP 12,729 06-15-92 Stock Market Simulation V0.01 With SourceCode. If You Have Any Ideas, Write Them IntoThis File File And Upload It. Written InTurbo Pascal 4.0 And Above. Good Luck!.
STX428.ZIP 723,784 09-17-94 $TOKTRAX v4.2, ASP: Stock portfolio/chartingsystem that can manage up to 200 portfolios;chart up to 10 years of stock prices; searcha database of over 8000 company names andsymbols; perform statistical data analysis;
estimate broker commissions; translate stockdata captured from GEnie, CompuServe,Prodigy, and others. Licensed users in 45U.S. and 8 foreign states.
SYM0194.ZIP 109,503 01-01-94 A List of About 7,300 Companies, TickerSymbols, and Market.
SYMDEX.ZIP 175,748 12-15-92 Utility For Casual/Pro Stock Market Investors
TAS531.ZIP 438,846 10-19-93 Technical Analysis Scanner. Scan and analyzeyour stock, commodity, mutual fund or marketindex (collectively termed "securities" inthis manual) data base.
TEI.ZIP 57,883 12-14-90 Study Shows That The "tei Indicator" FromStocks & Commodities Magazine Is Not MoreUseful Than A Moving Average Of New HighsAlone. Quattro Format (.wq1).
TFAL.ZIP 7,589 10-01-94 Stock investors! The OSIS DIY Investment Clubis conducting a project to develop apractical methodology on how to make a livingby trading in the market. Take part in thebrainstorming of TFAL (Trade For A living)
and we'll send you the final product, whichmay help enhance success in your personaltrading!
TFM393.ZIP 420,476 05-17-94 The Feeling's Mutual v3.1.93 <ASP> forDOS/Windows is a mutual fund comparison tooland financial planner for investors of alllevels. Search for funds which meet givencriteria or your personal investor profile.
Includes risk and load adjusted analysis.Detailed information on over 150 funds (800in expanded version). Provides on-line help,newsletter, references, sample projectionsand fund family information.
TI123.ZIP 191,282 06-24-94 TOTAL INVESTOR VERSION 2.1 <ASP> 123Portfolio/Technical Analysis Template- TotalInvestor is an integrated portfoliomanagement and technical analysis templatefor use with 1-2-3 and QPRO (V4 and earlier).
The program tracks your portfolio performanceand can plot security data with a widevariety of charts and indicators.
TIC0209.ZIP 67,566 02-09-94 Names & tickers of 4253 stocks on the NYSEand Amex exchanges in a database that you canquery. Can also be run as a TSR. As of Feb4/94.
TICKER28.ZIP 70,364 12-30-92 Ticker v2.8: personal stock market tickerthat will download current quotes from CIS'BASICQUOTE, and use the number of shares youindicate to calculate gain or loss as of the
current time, less the standard 15 min delay;will also dl quotes for issues for which noquantity is indicated, and show all of theinformation w/the exception of gain or loss.
TIK5_23.ZIP 97,756 05-22-93 Ticker symbols, corresponding company namesan markets traded. 99.9% of all primarycommon stock of companies in the majormarkets.
TMF20.ZIP 243,150 04-03-93 Mutual Fund Database & Financial Planner, v2.
TO1119.ZIP 61,030 11-20-93 TSE Advance/Decline Line TSE New Highs & LowsTSE 4-day STIX indicator TSE 7-day STIXindicator
TO1125.ZIP 54,121 11-26-94 Short term trading indicators for the TSEstock exchange
TRACKIT.ZIP 380,680 09-02-93 Track-It 3.05 Inventory/POS package. Includesa wide range of inventory functions,invoicing, order entry, PO's, over 35reports, 4 pricing levels, custom invoices,and even tracks serialized stock. B-Tree
style indexing for fast data access. Fullmouse, network, and multi-user support.
TRACUT26.ZIP 539,486 04-01-95 The Tracker Utilities The Wall Street andMutual Fund Tracker companion programs. TheGraph Tracker, featured in this package, hasa point and shoot menu system that will runthe programs and return you to a Master Menu
Command Center. You can view and sort graphpictures saved by the programs allowing youto review years and years of graphed data anytime you want. Other Tracker Utility programsare included for your convenience.
TSE.ZIP 55,836 05-16-93 Random Walk Investment BBS - TSE Advance/Decline Line. TSE New Highs & Lows. TSE 4-daySTIX indicator. TSE 7-day STXI indicator.
U_FNN10.ZIP 24,915 04-27-92 Freeware financial analysis tool for loans,investments, leases, etc., with changing cashflow over time.
VARIN59F.ZIP 281,251 03-15-95 VARIABLE INVESTMENT ANALYST V5.9f. ASP author-Investment Portfolio Manager. MS-DOS.Calculates profit, capital gain, totalreturn, internal rate of return (IRR),buy/sell prices. 12 types of charts.
Import/export data. Especially useful forinvestments with multiple cash flows, such asmutual funds, 401k plans, annuities, andpartnerships. No hard drive required.Pull-down menus, dialog boxes, mouse control.
VFUND21.ZIP 73,581 07-27-92 VFUND v2.1: automates the access to Fidelityand Vanguard families of mutual funds usingtheir automated service telephones (FAST forFidelity and TELE-ACCOUNT for Vanguard);provides for obtaining individual quotations,
purchase/sale/exchange of shares in youraccount & automated transfer of funds fromyour bank to Fidelity funds, or between yourfunds
VTID261.ZIP 303,772 07-01-95 _______ VALUE TREND INDICATOR v2.6 _________Successful Investors program with databases.Compare and determine the Value of companyshare prices and recognize Growth Stocks andMutual Funds in advance of the Market.
Record, track and graph all popular StockMarket Indices such as the DJIA.Calculations, projections and graphs forSaving, Investing, Retirement. Excellent On-Line Help. See Review in Wall Street Journal
WALLST63.ZIP 260,784 10-04-94 New DOS version of the popular PersonalInvestment Management software Wall $treetthe bottom line. Great easy to use over 900registered users to date.
WALST71C.ZIP 359,143 04-01-95 The Wall Street Tracker, Version 7.1c, worksusing technical analysis and market momentumto determine when to buy or sell stocks. Itanalyzes key indices and also compares three
moving averages, against each other, and thecurrent price. You can define the movingaverages and compare "what if" results basedon your investment objective. Features autodata update via many online services; great
documentation; graphs; reports; plus more.
WBD51.ZIP 161,302 04-23-95 WINBOND V5.1 is a WINDOWS application totrack and valuate Series EE bonds. Winbond-Efor Series E bonds is also available.Provides import capabilities to convert fromother files, export tool to interface to
other applications. NEW QUICKEN interface,multiple bond files, owner info, up-to-datebond redemption tables issued by theDepartment of the Treasury, and reporting,including a 20
WBE51.ZIP 151,389 04-23-95 WINBOND-E V5.1 is a WINDOWS application totrack and valuate Series E bonds. Winbond forSeries EE bonds also available. Providesimport capabilities to convert from otherfiles, export tool to interface to other
applications like QUICKEN, multiple bondfiles, owner info, up-to-date bond redemptiontables issued by the Department of theTreasury, and reporting, including a 20 yearprojection of bond values. Sold bond history
WEALTVBD.ZIP 188,503 02-16-93 Save, Invest, Retirement Income, RRSPs,Networth, Mortgage etc.
WFUND39.ZIP 328,600 03-15-94 FundExpert for Windows v3.9. Portfoliomanager for investors in stocks, bonds, andmutual funds.
WINFIN38.ZIP 442,143 11-01-94 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS FOR WINDOWS 3.8 <ASP>Analyze large variety of financial problems-Collection of tools for analyzing a widevariety of financal problems. Mortgage &Rule-78 with amortization. Bonds, T-Bills,
CD's, B A's, IRR, NPV, MIRR, Auto Lease,Retirement Planning, Black-Sholes Options,Portfolio Hedge, Annuity, Cpd Int & Others.
WINQUOTE.ZIP 858,844 01-19-95 WINQUOTE - STOCK RETREIVAL SYSTEM A M U S Tfor Greenline MICROMAX users Working Demowith many features: Stock Quote DownloadsStock Data Base Graphing of prices/volumesTime used online today this month/last month
Multiple MICROMAX accounts supportedRegistered usrs get additional featuresAutomatic Quicken updates Data export MutualFund quotes & Automatic sacheduling.
WINVEST.ZIP 57,399 02-17-94 The Investor Aid - helps approximate returnson investments such as Mutual Funds, Bonds,and G.I.C.The following functions aresupported: compounding, annuities, andmortgages and loans. Requires WIN31 andVBRUN300.
WITHIN30.ZIP 131,137 05-24-92 A stock market analyzing program.
WMS61DOS.ZIP 138,265 09-20-92 Compound Savings, Retirement, Mortgages,Investment Manager, Net Worth etc. For DOS.
WMSD831.ZIP 321,674 07-01-95 ______ WEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM v8.31 ______A comprehensive personal financial program.Provides calculations, projections, graphsfor Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net WorthMortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds.
Portfolio management system records, tracksand graphs your investment performance.Covers all stages of a person's financiallife. Excellent On-Line Help. Windows 3.xRated:. Requires VBRUN300.DLL
WMSNEW.ZIP 95,866 07-08-93 Save, Invest, Retirement and Record Keeping.
WSINVEST.ZIP 196,684 01-13-91 Investment Program / Track And Analyize YourInvestments Including Produce Reports AndGraphs. Color And Menu Driven Easy To Use.
WWALST25.ZIP 866,567 05-11-94 New Version for Windows of the popularPersonal investment management software Wall$treet The bottom line. Great ! Easy to usegenerates reports and graphs automatically
W_TBL60.ZIP 247,217 08-18-93 New DOS Version of the Popular PersonalInvestment Pkg.
YB12.ZIP 32,297 02-24-92 YieldBook (YB) v1.2: program that computesprices and yields for bonds to maturity & tothe call according to the formulae & methodspresented in "Standard Securities CalculationMethods", by Spence, Graudenz and Lynch,
published by the Securities IndustryAssociation Compound Solutions.